Why saving $100,000 by age 30 matters


 Student A learned smart spending, and saved $100,000 by age 30. 

- Only 1 out of 6 millennials have saved $100,000. Saving $100,000 by age 30 will put you on a path to a low stress financial future, no matter what your income is or where you live.

Student B has not saved any money at age 30

Student C is has a debt of $100,000 at age 30

My name is James Chandler and I am a financial planner with more than 18 years experience with American Express & other companies.

In my new book I explain that the fastest way to learn financial literacy, is to become a smart spender.  I believe that you will learn faster when you spend your own money.

It doesn't matter what you know about money, it only matters how you spend your money. The 2nd thing that I explain in my book, is that being an expert at Smart Spending does not depend on what's something costs. 

If you are very good at buying clothes, or a phone, you will be very good at buying a car, a college education or a house.

Learning smart spending is learning by doing, like learning a sport. The best way to learn a sport is practice and coaching. The form that most of Smart Spending coaching takes is a combination game/class. 

The 100by30.com game/class gives young people the chance to improve their financial ability and quickly become a Smart Spenders. The game/course is similar to a video game, you move up through levels. 

The first level of the game is free. The minimum age is 12 with parent's permission.

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