Q - I don't live in the San Jose area. Can I still take the course?

A - There will be a online version of the game/course. Please email me at [email protected] for more details.

Q - What is the minimum age to play this game/course?

A - It is 12 with your parents permission. If your child is under 12 and you think that they are mature enough, please email me and describe your situation.

Q - Where can I read your book?

A - The book is not yet published. If the book was published, students would just look up the answers and not develop the financial habits that the game / course creates.

Figuring out how to apply financial skills in your own life, is what is different about this learning experience.

The game/class is an attempt to prove theories in the book. I will let an administrator of a church, school or other group read it, if the class is being held at their location.

Q - Can I take a version of this that has a grade.

A - There will be a graded version of this course. First you have to play the game version.

I believe that curiosity when playing a game is a greater motivator than learning information to get a grade.

It is easy to tell your real time grade by the increasing confidence you feel tracking your progress to save $100,000 by age 30.

Q - My Financial Advisor or friend does not think smart spending and/or saving $100,000 by age 30 in the bay area is realistic.

A - financial advisors or financial planners get no professional training in smart spending or any kind of spending at all, other than tracking your current spending as part of a financial plan. 

What they do is recommend investments and/or create financial plans. They make their money by either charging a fee for financial planning and/or make a commission on investments or insurance. 

I would ask your advisor what their definition of smart spending is and to give you an example of how they used smart spending in their own lives. 

Sales involves changing from our current habits or what we currently own to something different. The less the client has to change, the easier the sale. For that reason financial advisors do not give advice about spending, since spending is much harder to change than investing.

Q - Why not just take a financial literacy course?

A - Studies on financial literacy courses in most cases have very little effect and at best only moderately raise credit scores. I believe this is because financial literacy courses are not based on real spending, so they do not create new financial habits.

100by30 is about improving your actual spending habits with Smart Spending and saving $100,000 by age 30, which will give you a secure financial future in most cases.

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